Books One to Three - Chosen Origins
Books One to Three - The Chosen
Daven – / dav uhn / – Base of power is in Pantano. Earth equivalent: Boca Raton, Florida. 68 anons old.
Debbon – / deb uhn / – Base of power is on Elder Isle. Earth equivalent: Isla de la Juventud, south of Cuba. 49 anons old.
Vargen – / vahr guh n / – Base of power is in Apio. Earth equivalent: Phoenix, Arizona. 99 anons old.
The Hunters of Souls - Book Four
Daven – / dav uhn / – Base of power is in Pantano. Earth equivalent: Boca Raton, Florida. 68 anons old.
Debbon – / deb uhn / – Base of power is on Elder Isle. Earth equivalent: Isla de la Juventud, south of Cuba. 49 anons old.
Emmin – / eh min / – Base of power is in Telae. Earth equivalent: Seattle, Washington. 130 anons old.
Jedon – / jeh dun / – Base of power is in Neve. Earth equivalent: Denver, Colorado. 113 anons old.
Olguin – / ohl gyu in / – Base of power is in Genip. Earth equivalent: Winnipeg, Manitoba. 93 anons old.
Quentien – / kwen tee en / – Base of power is in Gamb. Earth equivalent: Bogota, Columbia. 95 anons old.
Rylon – / rī len / – Base of power is in Menad. Earth equivalent: Camden, Bermuda. 105 anons old.
Senjin – / sen jin / – Base of power is in Argot. Earth equivalent: Tortuga, Galapagos Islands. 43 anons old.
Tarshen – / tar shen / – Base of power is in Sambur. Earth equivalent: Amesbury, UK. 110 anons old.
Uvan – / yu van / – Base of power is in Secar. Earth equivalent: Paris, France. 118 anons old.
Vargen – / vahr guh n / – Base of power is in Apio. Earth equivalent: Phoenix, Arizona. 99 anons old.
Wilken – / wil ken / – Base of power is in Manzanit. Earth equivalent: New York City, New York. 137 anons old.
Xylen – / z eye len / – Base of power is in Noidad. Earth equivalent: Delhi, India. 103 anons old.
Yingun – / yin gun / – Base of power is in Gaud. Earth equivalent: Guangdong, China. 104 anons old.
Zigern – / zig urn / – Base of power is in Neum. Earth equivalent: Melbourne, Australia. 86 anons old.
The Souls of Children - Book Five
Daven – / dav uhn / – Base of power is in Pantano. Earth equivalent: Boca Raton, Florida. 68 anons old.
Debbon – / deb uhn / – Base of power is on Elder Isle. Earth equivalent: Isla de la Juventud, south of Cuba. 49 anons old.
Emmin – / eh min / – Base of power is in Telae. Earth equivalent: Seattle, Washington. 130 anons old.
Jedon – / jeh dun / – Base of power is in Neve. Earth equivalent: Denver, Colorado. 113 anons old.
Olguin – / ohl gyu in / – Base of power is in Genip. Earth equivalent: Winnipeg, Manitoba. 93 anons old.
Quentien – / kwen tee en / – Base of power is in Gamb. Earth equivalent: Bogota, Columbia. 95 anons old.
Rylon – / rī len / – Base of power is in Menad. Earth equivalent: Camden, Bermuda. 105 anons old.
Senjin – / sen jin / – Base of power is in Argot. Earth equivalent: Tortuga, Galapagos Islands. 43 anons old.
Tarshen – / tar shen / – Base of power is in Sambur. Earth equivalent: Amesbury, UK. 110 anons old.
Uvan – / yu van / – Base of power is in Secar. Earth equivalent: Paris, France. 118 anons old.
Vargen – / vahr guh n / – Base of power is in Apio. Earth equivalent: Phoenix, Arizona. 99 anons old.
Wilken – / wil ken / – Base of power is in Manzanit. Earth equivalent: New York City, New York. 137 anons old.
Xylen – / z eye len / – Base of power is in Noidad. Earth equivalent: Delhi, India. 103 anons old.
Yingun – / yin gun / – Base of power is in Gaud. Earth equivalent: Guangdong, China. 104 anons old.
Zigern – / zig urn / – Base of power is in Neum. Earth equivalent: Melbourne, Australia. 86 anons old.
The Children of Fire - Book Six
Daven – / dav uhn / – Base of power is in Pantano. Earth equivalent: Boca Raton, Florida. 68 anons old.
Debbon – / deb uhn / – Base of power is on Elder Isle. Earth equivalent: Isla de la Juventud, south of Cuba. 49 anons old.
Emmin – / eh min / – Base of power is in Telae. Earth equivalent: Seattle, Washington. 130 anons old.
Jedon – / jeh dun / – Base of power is in Neve. Earth equivalent: Denver, Colorado. 113 anons old.
Olguin – / ohl gyu in / – Base of power is in Genip. Earth equivalent: Winnipeg, Manitoba. 93 anons old.
Quentien – / kwen tee en / – Base of power is in Gamb. Earth equivalent: Bogota, Columbia. 95 anons old.
Rylon – / rī len / – Base of power is in Menad. Earth equivalent: Camden, Bermuda. 105 anons old.
Senjin – / sen jin / – Base of power is in Argot. Earth equivalent: Tortuga, Galapagos Islands. 43 anons old.
Tarshen – / tar shen / – Base of power is in Sambur. Earth equivalent: Amesbury, UK. 110 anons old.
Uvan – / yu van / – Base of power is in Secar. Earth equivalent: Paris, France. 118 anons old.
Vargen – / vahr guh n / – Base of power is in Apio. Earth equivalent: Phoenix, Arizona. 99 anons old.
Wilken – / wil ken / – Base of power is in Manzanit. Earth equivalent: New York City, New York. 137 anons old.
Xylen – / z eye len / – Base of power is in Noidad. Earth equivalent: Delhi, India. 103 anons old.
Yingun – / yin gun / – Base of power is in Gaud. Earth equivalent: Guangdong, China. 104 anons old.
Zigern – / zig urn / – Base of power is in Neum. Earth equivalent: Melbourne, Australia. 86 anons old.
The Fire of War - Book Seven
Daven – / dav uhn / – Base of power is in Pantano. Earth equivalent: Boca Raton, Florida. 68 anons old.
Debbon – / deb uhn / – Base of power is on Elder Isle. Earth equivalent: Isla de la Juventud, south of Cuba. 49 anons old.
Emmin – / eh min / – Base of power is in Telae. Earth equivalent: Seattle, Washington. 130 anons old.
Jedon – / jeh dun / – Base of power is in Neve. Earth equivalent: Denver, Colorado. 113 anons old.
Olguin – / ohl gyu in / – Base of power is in Genip. Earth equivalent: Winnipeg, Manitoba. 93 anons old.
Quentien – / kwen tee en / – Base of power is in Gamb. Earth equivalent: Bogota, Columbia. 95 anons old.
Rasa – / rah sah / – Base of power is in Manzanit. Earth equivalent: New York City, New York. 27 anons old.
Rylon – / rī len / – Base of power is in Menad. Earth equivalent: Camden, Bermuda. 105 anons old.
Senjin – / sen jin / – Base of power is in Argot. Earth equivalent: Tortuga, Galapagos Islands. 43 anons old.
Tarshen – / tar shen / – Base of power is in Sambur. Earth equivalent: Amesbury, UK. 110 anons old.
Uvan – / yu van / – Base of power is in Secar. Earth equivalent: Paris, France. 118 anons old.
Vargen – / vahr guh n / – Base of power is in Apio. Earth equivalent: Phoenix, Arizona. 99 anons old.
Xylen – / z eye len / – Base of power is in Noidad. Earth equivalent: Delhi, India. 103 anons old.
Yingun – / yin gun / – Base of power is in Gaud. Earth equivalent: Guangdong, China. 104 anons old.
Zigern – / zig urn / – Base of power is in Neum. Earth equivalent: Melbourne, Australia. 86 anons old.
The War of Realms - Book Eight
Daven – / dav uhn / – Base of power is in Pantano. Earth equivalent: Boca Raton, Florida. 68 anons old.
Debbon – / deb uhn / – Base of power is on Elder Isle. Earth equivalent: Isla de la Juventud, south of Cuba. 49 anons old.
Emmin – / eh min / – Base of power is in Telae. Earth equivalent: Seattle, Washington. 130 anons old.
Jedon – / jeh dun / – Base of power is in Neve. Earth equivalent: Denver, Colorado. 113 anons old.
Olguin – / ohl gyu in / – Base of power is in Genip. Earth equivalent: Winnipeg, Manitoba. 93 anons old.
Quentien – / kwen tee en / – Base of power is in Gamb. Earth equivalent: Bogota, Columbia. 95 anons old.
Rasa – / rah sah / – Base of power is in Manzanit. Earth equivalent: New York City, New York. 27 anons old.
Rylon – / rī len / – Base of power is in Menad. Earth equivalent: Camden, Bermuda. 105 anons old.
Senjin – / sen jin / – Base of power is in Argot. Earth equivalent: Tortuga, Galapagos Islands. 43 anons old. Became Elder in the anon of 3449.
Tarshen – / tar shen / – Base of power is in Sambur. Earth equivalent: Amesbury, UK. 110 anons old.
Uvan – / yu van / – Base of power is in Secar. Earth equivalent: Paris, France. 118 anons old.
Vargen – / vahr guh n / – Base of power is in Apio. Earth equivalent: Phoenix, Arizona. 99 anons old.
Xylen – / z eye len / – Base of power is in Noidad. Earth equivalent: Delhi, India. 103 anons old.
Yingun – / yin gun / – Base of power is in Gaud. Earth equivalent: Guangdong, China. 104 anons old.
Zigern – / zig urn / – Base of power is in Neum. Earth equivalent: Melbourne, Australia. 86 anons old.
The Realms of Rising - Book Nine
Daven – / dav uhn / – Base of power: Pantano. Earth equivalent: Boca Raton, Florida. 68 anons old.
Debbon – / deb uhn / – Base of power: Elder Isle. Earth equivalent: Isla de la Juventud, south of Cuba. 49 anons old.
Emmin – / eh min / – Base of power: Telae. Earth equivalent: Seattle, Washington. 130 anons old.
Jedon – / jeh dun / – Base of power: Neve. Earth equivalent: Denver, Colorado. 113 anons old.
Olguin – / ohl gyu in / – Base of power: Genip. Earth equivalent: Winnipeg, Manitoba. 93 anons old.
Quentien – / kwen tee en / – Base of power: Gamb. Earth equivalent: Bogota, Columbia. 95 anons old.
Rasa – / rah sah / – Base of power: Manzanit. Earth equivalent: New York City, New York. 27 anons old.
Rylon – / rī len / – Base of power: Menad. Earth equivalent: Camden, Bermuda. 105 anons old.
Senjin – / sen jin / – Base of power: Argot. Earth equivalent: Tortuga, Galapagos Islands. 43 anons old. Became Elder in the anon of 3449.
Tarshen – / tar shen / – Base of power: Sambur. Earth equivalent: Amesbury, UK. 110 anons old.
Uvan – / yu van / – Base of power: Secar. Earth equivalent: Paris, France. 118 anons old.
Vargen – / vahr guh n / – Base of power: Apio. Earth equivalent: Phoenix, Arizona. 99 anons old.
Xylen – / z eye len / – Base of power: Noidad. Earth equivalent: Delhi, India. 103 anons old.
Yingun – / yin gun / – Base of power: Gaud. Earth equivalent: Guangdong, China. 104 anons old.
Zigern – / zig urn / – Base of power: Neum. Earth equivalent: Melbourne, Australia. 86 anons old.
The Rising of Dragons - Book Ten