As a writer, I spend hours wondering, typing on my computer, editing, and repeating the process. The one thing I didn’t factor into this equation was the opportunity I would have to create an audiobook, as well! I have always read my writing aloud as part of the editing and revision process, yet I had no idea the power of the audiobook would have on bringing my writing to life. Though this process takes place long after I have dreamt up the original novel, there are a few things about creating an audiobook which makes the story special.
1. The Author Shares Her Interpretation
I am delighted whenever I get the opportunity to express myself through my novels in audio form. My goal is always to communicate my characters’ thoughts and feelings the best I can with the words on a page, but there’s something about emotion injected in vocabulary some may feel is part of the every day or a pause between two suspenseful words which really can set the tone for an entire book series. Furthermore, it gives the audience a moment to better understand where the author is coming from, no matter if it’s a place of jubilance or a heart of sorrow in that moment of time in the book.
2. The Novel Reaches a New Audience
Another aspect about audiobooks which is often overlooked is a group of people who get a better experience when they listen to the story. Over 30% of people are auditory learners who generally retain and enjoy listening to information. They will more easily experience and remember the stories they hear in an audio book over the pages in a book. Instead of putting the book down and having the vibrant details of the works they just read escape from their minds, they can savor the story for much longer.
3. Help People Read More Frequently
According to Edison Research, more than 55 million (about 22%) of Americans have enjoyed an audiobook this past year. This number keeps growing as people are listening to audiobooks on the road, while cleaning the house, or doing any number of otherwise tedious tasks. Unfortunately, flipping through the pages of a book just isn’t very easy to do while folding clothes, but people are taking advantage of keeping their minds at work while they do these tasks. No matter if you are a slower reader or a busy bee who doesn’t set aside blocks of time to read, audiobooks are an excellent way to stay on top of your favorite novels.
P.S. If you share the same sentiment about the power of audiobooks, feel free to recommend this blog post to others who are on the fence! Also, if you are looking for a new book to listen to, check out my latest novel, Outside Ascension, available on Amazon now!